Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I am blessed to have four wonderful and healthy nieces.  My older sister is a proud mother, with three beautiful daughters, and they range in age from two to six.  I see and hear how chaotic her life is on a daily basis.
What happens when a child is born with a disability?  What about autism?  I know and recognize that there is no such thing as a “typical” autistic child and that autism differs from one child to the next.  There is little that can really describe what the life of an autistic child is like and that is where my mind starts to wonder.
I saw autism from a residential viewpoint.  I have been bitten, kicked, smacked, scratched, and I have had my hair pulled out in clumps.  I wouldn’t change any of it for the world.  These were the best experiences I could ask for.  When a child or adolescent utilized a learned technique as opposed to causing harm, they would have this look on their face, and it was priceless.